
  • Chris Stanbury (英国钢琴演奏家、教育家)

    Chris Stanbury


    克里斯·斯坦伯里 (Chris Stanbury) 先生从小接受古典钢琴教育,专业是钢琴与管风琴,曾被誉为当今英国最富才华的年轻职业键盘音乐家之一。他曾在多个著名音乐厅进行演出,包括英国皇家音乐厅、英国皇家音乐学院以及巴黎圣母院,也曾在东南亚、中国大陆举行过钢琴与键盘乐器讲座。除了古典音乐之外,他在电子钢琴演奏、爵士乐、流行音乐等领域也颇具盛名,他的爵士乐专辑曾多次在BBC广播2台播出。斯坦伯里先生从英国伦敦音乐学院 (London College of Music) 获得学士和硕士学位,并在该校担任讲师与考官长达18年,从2012年起在英国卡西欧公司担任数码产品外聘顾问至今。2018年成为RSL教材顾问,先后参加了《Rockschool 2019版流行钢琴与键盘乐器》教材、《Rockschool流行钢琴启蒙》教材与《RSL古典钢琴》等级教材的编写与录制。

  • Lillian Lan (VP RSL China, RSL Awards Ltd)

    Lillian Lan

    VP RSL China, RSL Awards Ltd


    Vice President, RSL China


讲座简介 About the Webinar

RSL现代音乐与表演艺术认证委员是全球领先的现代艺术资质证书颁发机构,我们提供的等级认证资格证书受到英国各学历监管机构的管辖,涵盖入门等级直至英国的Level 6,包括:现代音乐类、现代表演艺术、创意产业资格认证、职业教育资格认证、以及最新推出的RSL古典钢琴等级认证。高等级RSL资格证书适用于英国UCAS加分。


本次宣讲会由RSL英国教材音乐家克里斯·斯坦伯里 (Chris Stanbury) 主讲与演示,对RSL古典钢琴考纲的特色、认证备考窍门等逐一解说。




ZOOM会议ID:832 2297 2551


RSL Awards is a global, specialist awarding body based in London, and our grades are regulated in the UK. Our qualifications ranged from the Entry Level up to Level 6, covering graded exams in contemporary musical instruments, contemporary performing arts, creative qualifications in vlogging and podcasting, vocational qualifications and the most recent RSL classical piano qualifications. Advanced level RSL certificates carry UCAS points.

RSL launched its first classical piano syllabus (debut to grade 8) on December, 2020, to satisfy the learning needs of the contemporary piano lovers.

This Webinar is presented by RSL syllabus consultant Mr. Chris Stanbury (UK) . He will demonstrate RSL classical piano pieces, explain the features of these new set of books and how to prepare the students for RSL classical piano exams.

The webinar will be delivered with Zoom. Please have your Zoom installed and updated to the latest version.

ZOOM ID: 832 2297 2551

Passcode: 0623

克里斯·斯坦伯里 (Chris Stanbury) 先生从小接受古典钢琴教育,专业是钢琴与管风琴,曾被誉为当今英国最富才华的年轻职业键盘音乐家之一。他曾在多个著名音乐厅进行演出,包括英国皇家音乐厅、英国皇家音乐学院以及巴黎圣母院,也曾在东南亚、中国大陆举行过钢琴与键盘乐器讲座。除了古典音乐之外,他在电子钢琴演奏、爵士乐、流行音乐等领域也颇具盛名,他的爵士乐专辑曾多次在BBC广播2台播出。斯坦伯里先生从英国伦敦音乐学院 (London College of Music) 获得学士和硕士学位,并在该校担任讲师与考官长达18年,从2012年起在英国卡西欧公司担任数码产品外聘顾问至今。2018年成为RSL教材顾问,先后参加了《Rockschool 2019版流行钢琴与键盘乐器》教材、《Rockschool流行钢琴启蒙》教材与《RSL古典钢琴》等级教材的编写与录制。

Mr. Christopher Stanbury started to play classical piano and organ from very young age, and is known as one of the most talented young professional pianists in the UK. 

He received his degrees from London College of Music, and taught/examined at LCME for over 18 years. Except for classical piano, he is also a proficient performer in jazz and pop music. From 2012, he worked with Casio as a freelance consultant. Since 2018, he started working with RSL Awards Limited and has proactively participated the writing and recording of Rockschool 2019 Pop Piano and Keyboard syllabi, Rockschool Pop Piano Method Books, and the most recent RSL Classical Piano syllabus. 

讲座内容 Agenda
  • 14:00-14:10:介绍RSL古典钢琴教材与讲师 (蓝晓英)
  • 14:10-15:30:英国钢琴家演示RSL古典钢琴教材作品、曲目讲解、教材技巧与综合素质内容(克里斯·斯坦伯里)
  • 15:30-16:00:答疑

  • 14:00-14:10:Introduction to the RSL Classical Piano Syllabus and the tutor (by Lillian Lan)
  • 14:10-15:30:Demonstrate syllabus pieces and piece analysis, technicals and supporting tests (by Chris Stanbury)
  • 15:30-16:00:Q&A